Tag Archive for: Productivity

Social Media Growth – Consistency

Posting on social media using smart phone

By fiifi DZANSI

Consistency is one of the crucial ingredients to success on social media. You see, social media platforms are designed to favour those who post regularly. 

Social Media now is so saturated. Everyone is on social media shouting for attention. So if you don’t post frequently, your fans would forget about you.

Here Are The Benefits Of Being Consistent. 

Maintaining a regular schedule for posts allows your followers to see you. They get to comment, like and even share your posts. 

These activities help make you stay relevant on their feed. It exposes your content to more people. And you will gain more followers and more reactions to your posts.

This Is How To Post With Consistency

Plan what you want to share. Perhaps work in progress, finished work, testimonials from your customers, blog etc. 

Know the days and times to share.

Set aside a day and organise all your content for the week. Use free apps like Tweetdeck and Facebook business suite to Schedule your posts. Let these apps post on your behalf while you pay attention to other things.

Who Takes The Blame?

A woman juggling ideas

By fiifi DZANSI

Someone else is always responsible for the bad things that befall us.

A man dies in a tragic accident because he falls asleep behind the wheels, and rumour circulates that his uncle, who’s an enemy of progress, kills them.

A boy who loathes studying fails his exam, and his parents say luck is not on his side.

A business collapses. Employees fault the manager for squandering money. The manager, on the other hand, denounces employees for laziness. 

Everybody accuses another of their failure. This is so convenient.

So who takes the blame?

Because of shame and guilt, we shy away from taking responsibility for our actions. We’re all quick to pin the blame on others.

It takes the brave, the strong, the courageous person to honestly admit their flaws.

Complain No More, Put Your Ideas To Work

Put Your Ideas To Work

By fiifi DZANSI

Problems surround us. Systems are not helping creatives to flourish.
Also, many graduates have searched for jobs with no success. And the economy keeps tottering here and there, throwing prices high up.

So we complain.

You meet your friends, and everybody is disgruntled about the system.

Even those well-to-do are saying, ”Life is not easy.”

But they go away, and the next time you see them, they’re on to something fruitful, like building a house, riding a new car or starting a new business.

If they could do all these, then why do they complain? You may wonder. Because for you, nothing works out. Though you may be trying harder than most.

Well, such friends are only helping you to complain, so you can feel better. Things work for them because they put their ideas to work instead of just sitting and blaming the system.

When you lament, it deepens your wounds of disappointment. You only focus on the negatives while neglecting all the good things there are.

Read Books

Read Books

Books are the treasure chests for keeping knowledge.

As you search for ways to advance your career, it’s ok to watch tuts on YouTube or listen to podcasts.

But books contain far more information.

Read old books to learn the basic principles and read current books and discover new trends and tech.

What Would You Do For A Dream?

A woman juggling ideas

By fiifi DZANSI

Often we hear of entrepreneurs who made certain outrageous decisions to pursue their dreams.

Some dropped out of college, while others left their comfort zones to make it all happen.

Stories like these are intriguing and make interesting movies.

At a point, the sacrifice we’re willing to make would determine whether or not our ideas would see the light of day.

The consequences, though, are all ours to reap.

Stop Complaining About Your Work

A man complaining about his work with thumbs down

By fiifi DZANSI

If it were that bad, you’d have left.

As bad as your job may be, it’s helping you in three ways:

  1. It gets you out of bed
  2. It pays the bill (somehow)
  3. It takes you off the unemployment list

You’re in it because you have nowhere else to go.

So keep quiet.

Focus on the good side.

Work with joy.

Sell Great Ideas With Guts

You need guts to sell great ideas

By fiifi DZANSI

It’s very difficult to sell.

You have to put in the time, creativity and energy. That’s why creatives don’t like selling. They prefer to keep creating without selling.

So you have a great idea that keeps you awake all night. You develop it into a product for sale. Now what?

Some believe when you have a unique product, just put it online and tell a few people about it and it will sell like hotcakes.

Well, hotcakes don’t market themselves. People do.

Your new product needs you to sell it. Put the product before people constantly. Share it on your website, on all your social media platforms.

And talk about it whenever you get the opportunity.

Postcard From The Countryside – No Entry

An old door with a padlock

The old door had a lock.
We couldn’t enter.

Maybe that old way is no longer traversable. It’s worn out and out of fashion.

The only way is to find a new way. Or create our path and follow it.

Postcard From The Countryside – A Human Connection

Post boxes at the General Post Office in Accra, Ghana

By fiifi DZANSI

We need more organic human connection.

When I took the above photo of post boxes at the general post office in downtown Accra, I felt how obsolete post offices have become in recent years.

The nostalgia almost choked me.

People have moved light-years away from writing letters. Now we call, text or email. And everything happens digitally and so fast.

New tech replaces an old one.

Back in the heydays of the post office, we queued for several minutes to get our chance to post letters. Because life there was a busy one.

It took many days, weeks or even months to receive letters, but it was worth waiting. We peeled stamps, wet the gluey part a bit with saliva and stuck them on envelopes before tossing them in a huge box, hoping they got delivered on time.

Some disappeared in transit, while others landed in the wrong hands. Again, a few were returned for bearing incorrect addresses. At least the latter brought some closure.

Letters had this human connection. They touched every aspect of the soul. You could feel, taste, smell a message in your hand.

Some girlfriends used perfumed inks to write and sealed their letters with the gloss on their lips. Such words were kept close to the heart, in the breast pocket.

A young man placed a letter on his chest in bed with tears streaking down his cheeks. Maybe he got dumped, or perhaps it was the longing for more love.

For me, it’s the process of writing (not typing) that awes me. You get to be in sync with your thoughts and emotions.

As you move the pen in such a swirl, you perceive your inner voice fluttering, descending from above to come rushing through your veins and muscles onto a paper.

Words begin to form from mere alphabetic letters and take a seat beside each other. Like printing from a computer. Just that you feel every bit of this process.

In the end, there’re elegantly dressed bits and pieces of thoughts adorning a page.

To pour your inner self on lines on paper through indelible ink is organic and human. It allowed the presence of a person far away to be felt, something you can’t get from a video call today.

Furthermore, the imperfection of a cancelled word, or the carelessness of words provocatively squatting on lines, expose our fallibility and give away what’s unsaid.

Letters are so precious. We keep them in our safes to this day and hang some on our walls.

Their ability to touch the heart cannot be matched by any modern tech.

Employees Are The Most Important Brand Ambassadors

Your employees are your greatest brand ambassadors

By fiifi DZANSI

Employees touch the brand every day.
They take it home, sleep and wake up with it the next day.
They also serve the brand to others daily.

You can pay influencers or celebrities all the money in the world to promote your brand. But if your employees fail to deliver on the brand promise, you’re on a raptured balloon.

Create an inclusive culture that equips employees with all they need to be great brand ambassadors.