Tag Archive for: Productivity

A Logo Is Just An Empty Container

The logo is just an empty container

By fiifi DZANSI

A logo is mostly overrated.

Many untruths surround these little graphic icons that mislead many business owners.

UNTRUTH: A logo is all the brand is about. 

TRUTH: A logo is part of the brand. Everything your business does come together to form the brand

UNTRUTH: A logo must describe what a business does.

TRUTH: Not necessarily. Simply, a logo is a graphic icon that reminds people about your business. Example. The Apple company makes computers and smart devices. However, their logo is a fruit.

UNTRUTH: The more sophisticated the logo, the better.

TRUTH: A simple logo is more memorable.

UNTRUTH: Anybody can design a logo.

TRUTH: Only seasoned designers can design memorable logos.

UNTRUTH: Every business needs a logo

TRUTH: A business owner who doesn’t know what a logo does obviously doesn’t need a logo. So is a neighbourhood shop whose aim is just to eke out a living.

UNTRUTH: Great logos create great businesses.

TRUTH: What a business does would determine whether the logo would be successful. Example. Nike’s swoosh is one of the most recognizable logos in the world. This is because the apparel company produces quality and innovative products people love.

Falling Is Inevitable

Jack Dempsey quote about falling

By fiifi DZANSI

If you have to learn to walk, you must also learn to get up over and over again yourself.

Because falling is inevitable.

When you run a business, one core attribute you need is to bounce back quickly after failure.

Bouncing back.
Getting up.
Keeping on the walk.

Are what sets successful people apart from the others

What If Presidents Are Appointed Like Football Managers?

Presidents and football managers

By fiifi DZANSI

Presidents and football managers. 

Jose Mourinho – the special one – becomes the manager of Tottenham Hotspur football club. 

Mauricio Roberto Pochettino Trossero (Poch) receives the pink slip. 

The latter leads Spurs for five years. His achievements include perching among the top-four clubs for several seasons and playing the UEFA Champions League finals in 2019. But they concede to Liverpool. 

Unfortunately, Poch has no trophy to sit on the shelves at Spurs, and their performance this season has been described by some as woeful. Gradually, they’re sinking to the bottom of the table. 

Poch, in the end, finds his career on the chopping block.

In comes José Mourinho

With such a grand and colourful résumé, he promises to bring a blockbuster performance to Spurs and transform them into a powerhouse.

Sadly, after just 17 months at the club, the special one finds his career at the gallows. His spell at Spurs comes to an abrupt end.

30 June 2021.

The bearded one – Nuno Espírito Santo – emerges to fill the vacant position.

How will he fare at Spurs?

We’ll see.

What if people recruit their presidents this way? 

Applications from candidates are accepted from all over the world. A board sits to review and select the best person for the job. 

A target is set, and when they fail, a new president is quickly appointed. 

The president, in turn, could select their ministers from all over the world like the way players are recruited. 

One requirement, though, is to have a masters degree in how to run a country.

Also, they need to have some years of experience on their résumé. 

This way, the focus shifts to results, not just lousily sleeping through a four-year term.

Research Before You Buy

Research before you buy

By fiifi DZANSI

They can sell you anything, whether it’s in good shape or not.
For them, receiving money is all that counts, not earning a good reputation for selling quality stuff.

It’s usually not discreet to let the shop attendant persuade you to buy something.

Read about the product first. Or ask trusted friends to recommend.

What’s your budget?
Why do you need it?
Could you do without it?

Trends come and go, but quality products live long.

Ideas Hustle

Guy Kawasaki quote on ideas

By fiifi DZANSI

Everybody dreams.

We all have loads of ideas.

Implementation is what separates doers from mere talkers.

It’s time to put your ideas to work.

Keep Showing Up And They’ll Accept You

Keep showing up suing all means available

By fiifi DZANSI

Persevere through your struggle. 

Getting people to embrace your work is increasingly becoming almost impossible. It’s when you give up that you fail.

Marilyn Monroe

Modelling agencies told her she should consider becoming a secretary because she wasn’t good enough.

Vincent van Gogh

He was considered unsuccessful and a failure in his lifetime. He sold only one painting, and that was to a friend. Yet, he continued painting throughout his life. His artworks are worth millions now. 

Oprah Winfrey

She got fired as a reporter because she was accused of putting emotions in her stories.

Walt Disney

His editor said he “lacked imagination and had no good ideas.” He was fired!

The point is: the world wants to see so much from you

before it can trust you, accept you and eventually buy from you.

Most of us wouldn’t become a world sensation after our first appearance. We gotta do a lot more.

Be Persistent

Go on working through difficulties without let up.

Be Consistent

Persevere in creating your best work. Continue sharing all you have.

Keep knocking on doors.

Never stop giving it your all.

To Buy Or Not To Buy

A woman juggling ideas

By fiifi DZANSI

Don’t terrorise me to buy from you.

It’s ok not to buy from you.

It’s not the end of the world.

It’s my money, and I have to decide what to do with it.

The Dream Weaver

Michael Phelps quote about dream

By fiifi DZANSI

Nothing comes out of nowhere.

There’s a creator behind everything.

First, there’s a big dream birthed as a simple idea.

Layers are added and many more deducted.

Again and again and again.

Until the sun breaks out of its shell.

Should Employees Run The Shift System?

Employee folio

By fiifi DZANSI

Getting rid of unemployment or bringing it to the minimum is becoming farfetched. We are losing the fight.

Old businesses are not expanding enough to take in new employees, and new institutions are not living long enough to see the light of day.

Back in the day, most public schools in some cities ran the shift system to allow many kids to be in school.

This system ran for years until it became obsolete.

Ghana’s problem has always been the unavailability of enough structures to accommodate all the kids we have.

The problem is the same when it comes to employment.

What if employees run the shift system?

One group of workers from various sectors could work from morning to afternoon, and another group would take it up from there.

Two or more people filling the same position would foster creativity, productivity and help reduce unemployment.

The Real Tragedy Is To Die Alongside A Celebrity

The real tragedy is for a common man to die alongside a celebrity

By fiifi DZANSI

When Kobe and his daughter Gianna died in that horrible plane crash on January 26, 2020, the world stopped turning.

Even an old man in his eighties said when he was learning to play basketball at age nine, Kobe was his inspiration. But was Kobe even born at that time?

All the talk was about Kobe and Gianna.

Meanwhile, there were at least 7 others on board. Their names up to this day, I struggle to find. Their names were never mentioned. They were referred to as passengers and a pilot.

In this time of the COVID-19 pandemic, only names of prominent people come in the news when they die of the plague. For the rest, their names are buried with them. Gone and never to be remembered.

When a celebrity tweets, “Woop. I feel like eating bacon for breakfast” It gets thousands of retweets and likes.

On the other hand, a young man tweets, ” Woop. I’m able to feed 5 poor kids in my neighbourhood for a year. Goal accomplished.”

Then there’s silence.
No retweets. No likes.

He’s all alone with his accomplishments. Though he’s done so much to help society be a better place, to the best of his abilities, nobody pays attention because he’s not a celebrity.

The world is so much crazy about celebrities. So much that we ignore all the good deeds of the billions of people around us.