Social Media Growth – Collaborate

Using social media to collaborate

By fiifi DZANSI

I once met a guy downtown. He kept talking about himself – his accomplishments like his second college degree, his brand new Ford Fiesta, his attractive girlfriend with many admirers blah blah blah…

He never allowed me to say a thing. It was all about him. And you know, that was the first time I met him.

Boring guy.

It’s selfish behaviour when people don’t value the opinions of others. Or worse, when they feel they can do it all alone.

Collaborating with others brings out the best in your brand. It’s also a way of supporting what others are doing.
One way to collaborate with your fans is to ask them what specific topics or questions they’d like you to discuss in your next post. And create content to address that.

Also, share quality contents that your fans or others have created and give them credit.
And you can invite other creators to take over your account for a day.

Be on the lookout for people who have mentioned you or used your branded hashtag in their posts.