We all have something to give

A tech nomad working on the road

Thick clouds enveloped the city skies.
And the ruthless wind tossed whatever was frail around. In confusion and unpreparedness for the rains, people sprinted for shelter.

I was in the city centre with no money for transportation. All the mobile money vendors were having network challenges. How would I get home before the rains descend?

An eight-year-old beggar approached me and asked for money. I told her I was stranded and in dire need of money to get home. She dipped her hand in the pouch dangling around her neck and gave me all the money. Exactly what I needed. And she walked away. I felt very uncomfortable. It was as if I had stolen money from the kid. I ran after her and gave the money back with much gratitude.

We don’t need to have it all before we extend our hand to others.

Mostly, people only give out of their surplus. When it’s convenient.

People are hungry.
People are suffering.
People are dying of sicknesses.

If only we can share what we have – the little that we have and feel slight discomfort, we may save a life. Or at least bring some sunshine to someone’s life.

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