Weave Sustainability Into Your New Business

Weave Sustainability Into Your New Business

By fiifi DZANSI

Sustainability In New Business

The survival of our planet depends on how well we take care of the climate.

World leaders meet in the UK for COP26  – a conference that aims to unite the world to tackle climate change.

Regrettably, there’s nothing new in their speech. These same countries made promises in 2014 to end climate change. 

Here we are again.

They failed.

So we need renewed promises.

Most global businesses including, mining, petroleum and agriculture, did not have sustainability embedded in their business plans. 

And as their markets spew out money and create billionaires, it’s difficult for them to make a change.

Governments, on the other hand, profit from them. They stand aside and watch the remainder of the earth’s resources being depleted.

Starting a business with a sustainability culture should now become mandatory. It helps small businesses to grow in that direction in the future.

The younger generation is keenly aware of their environment and is willing to buy from businesses that take sustainability seriously.

In the future, certain businesses would have to close because their activities are detrimental to the environment.