Learn To Run Your Business

Employee folio

By fiifi DZANSI

Ghana government recently announced that its payroll hits the limit, so graduates must turn to entrepreneurship.

Many questions came up.

Will their startups be funded?
Is the economy conducive enough for entrepreneurs?

Let’s debate those questions later.

Usually, before people become entrepreneurs in Ghana, they first learn some vocational skills. They include soap making, bead making, cooking, dressmaking and so on. These skills are highly recommended prompting some NGOs to lend their support.

So much money goes into such training.
However, graduates from such training centres continue to hustle after.

The problem?

Lack of business management skills.
Basic Accounting skills.
Customer service skills.
Management skills.
Basic Brand management skills.

First, you need to learn how to run a business. Be able to spot ideas that can work. This is what should be taught more.

In the end, no matter how revolutionary your product is, if you don’t know how to run a business, you’ll be a goner.